Three men are working in a vegetable garden on the outskirts of a small town. A dark cloud on the horizon is growing closer and this is causing some consternation to the farmers as it appears to be the dust cloud of an approaching army. What follows is an interview with the great king Shaliwan about the doctrines of a Saint that he had come across in the forest.

A Conversation on the 'Isha Putra's' Teaching in the Light of Maharishi's Vedic Science: 
The coherence created by the group facilitates the experience of the Self ⋅ 'Highest First’ (Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven) ⋅ Continued experience of deep silence alternated with dynamic activity opens the door for all possibilities in life (‘everything else shall be added unto you.’) ⋅ The experience of Transcendental Consciousness is easily gained and releases stress (‘My yoke is easy and my burden light’) ⋅ 
It comes when the process of observation ends (‘it does not come by observation’) and provides a ‘well of eternal life’ within you ⋅ It is a reality of the physiology and an experience, not just an intellectual idea (‘worship in spirit and in truth’) ⋅ Just the desire to achieve the goal means that in time, by continued practice, the goal is found (‘one comes to the Father’) 

The Interview with the Maharaja

The tree's commentary:
Knower, process of knowing and known (‘The way the truth and the life’) are united in total Knowledge experienced in the Self 

⋅ ‘Knowledge is structured in consciousness’ and ‘Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness’ ⋅ Because the master gives out knowledge from his state of consciousness and the student hears from his, knowledge is lost ⋅ It is not necessary to suffer – darkness should not increase if one is going in the direction of the light ⋅ A new seed will yield a new crop of life in accord with Natural Law. 
The conversation in this book naturally leads on to the conversation in the following book on the six systems of Indian Phillosophy.
See BOOK 5: The Shankaracharya and His Washing

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